Our Path

Ever Further. Ever higher.

Just as a mountain path winds in a meandering fashion, following the topography to get to the top, so too does our path wind towards our final destination of holistic upliftment of our Industry as well as the ones allied with it.

The mountain's topography that forces the path to wind, represents, in our case, the existing state of the Industry, the hurdles we have to overcome and the expectations placed upon us. But, just as the road leads inexorably to the top, so too, does our chosen path lead to what we would term success.

Another similarity lies in the view afforded by the constant turns of the road, which, in our case translate to positive outcomes we aim to achieve. And of course, just as a road has no termination point, our quest for excellence has no end.




Our Vision is to change the landscape of the diamond and jewellery industry by creating an ecosystem of continual positive growth and forward movement. It is to create an environment of greater choice and heightened quality, be it in the realm of products, services or even the core functioning of the entire industry.

Our Vision isn't about seeing a better future, it is about creating one.




Our Mission is best defined by one word; change. To achieve our vision, we work towards constant change along all the axes relevant to the industry. Our daily activities as well as our short and medium term goals are to maintain a state of constant evolution, by forging ways, avenues and paths that are hitherto envisaged. Cycle times, procedures, standards. All of them, we believe, are made to be renewed Constantly.

Our path does not entail us being just trailblazers, but explorers.



the path

Our path, however long and winding it may turn out to be, is decided by three things. It must pass through the points of excellence as demanded by all stakeholders; It must move ahead of what is expected and asked for. And, it must assiduously avoid any form of haste, loss in quality or bending of the laws, internal as well as external.

Our path, more than holding true to the points of law or business, must also hold with our ethos and our conscience.

After all, if we can promise no fixed destination, at the very least we can make the journey worthwhile.